Big Vision is a high-touch business mastermind designed for for online coaches and service providers to scale to $100k+ organically, through:

  • Mastering proven, timeless & simple business strategies
  • Amplifying & fully owning their unique, authentic voice & expression
  • Operating from a CEO mindset & the energy of “I AM the industry leader”


You’re creating one of those cute lil’ reels on social media that showcases your story from start to finish.
It shows the beginning of your story (filled with the cringey moments because it’s a rite of passage).
It shows where you are now.
& it ends with where you’ll be at the end of this mastermind.

So...where will you be?

Here's where you'll be (when you join BVM)Â đŸ‘‡đŸ»

✔ Signing on high-ticket 1:1 clients that feel EASY + JOYFUL to support

✔ Filling up one-to-many (group) programs with a launch process that’s dependable & you can *actually* look forward to  

✔ Starting each month at $8-10k+ of recurring revenue on lock, so you can go play on vaca & not start from scratch on the 1st of every month

✔Going full-time in your business 

✔ Becoming the industry leader + embodying your iconic energy 

✔ Growing a loyal community that wants to keep working with you

✔ Seeing your name, your work, and your value spread like wildfire in this world

Don't just take my word for it, though...

Don't just take my word for it, though...

Don't just take my word for it, though...

→ My client, Natalie, booked out her business with 5-figure contracts. 

→ My client, Meredith, booked $16k of revenue in just 4 months, right after quitting her full-time job. 

→ My client, Lily, went from a ‘failed launch’ to 7 paid clients in her group coaching program. 

→ My client, Nicole, experienced her first of many $1k days, had her first quarter where “her business actually covered her expenses”, & signed on 6 new paid clients in a group program.

→ My client, Margot, increased her 1:1 investment by 55% and signed on new clients immediately after at her new rates. 

→ My client, Becca, launched her first group program and had 7 paid clients join. 

→ My client, Jonnemarie, booked 4 1:1 sessions within 3 weeks of joining BVM.

→ My client, Nicole, released a new wellness guide + workbook, with 15+ immediate downloads in the first few days (with just a couple hundred followers).

Join the Waitlist for the Next Round of Big Vision + Receive a Credit for $500 off!

My clients that have joined BVM in the past likely started EXACTLY where you are in this very moment

Group launches feel like a hit or miss, sometimes ‘failing’ or sometimes ‘barely being an actual group’

It’s been a challenge to fill & book out your high-ticket, 1:1 long-term container

You know there is room turn up the thermostat on your content & messaging because it’s not doing the selling FOR you

You’re stumped on how to (re)engage your existing community, but also continuously bring new faces into your world at the same time

You’re not totally sure how to effectively take someone from a brand new follower to a loyal community member to a paid client 

You start the month at less than $3k and have a mentie around how you'll get it up by the end of the month

You have one offer that’s working, but it’s not delivering the income you want

You find yourself feeling “less than” other successful entrepreneurs in your industry, putting others on a pedestal, or looking to them to find out what to do makes you feel like SH*T

If you can relate..we’re about to change the story. 

Things we DO NOT do in Big Vision

These strategies are not wrong, I just don’t teach them!

I focus on simple strategies that are proven across industries and make sense for where you're at.

Things we DO do in BVM

In 2023, I booked 6 figures of revenue in 6 months AND increased revenue by 70% vs prior year..while maintaining nearly an 80% gross margin. 

These strategies are how I've built my business (& how my clients have gotten insane results, too!)

Client Love Notes ♄

Natalie Onacki, Trauma Informed Coach & Holistic Practitioner

This group seriously changed my life and I got farther along than I imagined. I signed up really confused and lost. Within a couple months, I already felt clear on my next steps, who I am, and what I am putting out there. I left Big Vision with so many tools for strategy and for my mental, physical and emotional health. I also walked away with new friends and a new support system. Within 6 months after completing this business mastermind, I had  booked out my business with 5-figure contracts & received everything I had wanted.

Carrie Blackmore, Runway Model and CEO of Vicarious Lingerie

In just a few weeks of working with Nora my life took a complete 180. I accomplished dreams that I had been working towards since childhood after working with her for just a month. From the work that we did together, I was able to build my business and launch my first product line, Vicarious Lingerie. Nora‘s coaching style is so intuitive and tailored to your specific personality. She is genuine and organized and gets you through the ups and downs. She isn’t afraid to dig deep and truly help you reprogram your limiting beliefs. 

Margot Walsh, Life Coach

Nora is a QUEEN! She always has a solution or can help me navigate to a solution on my own. Nothing is off limits and everything is figure-out-able with her. She shares her endless wealth of business strategy and will keep a close eye on your business to ensure you have the most effective messaging and help you create completely magnetic content to attract dreamy clients. She also has the mindset and energy tools to help you out of a funk whenever you need it. Being in her Big Vision Mastermind not only transformed my business but transformed me on a personal level, constantly putting me in my sorceress energy to make my big vision happen.

Lee Anne Simeone, Spiritual Coach

Big Vision was a beautiful blend of both private & group support. First, having weekly calls helped me clarify & claim my goals & held me accountable to my action steps. Second, our Voxer group was popping everyday with incredible questions, receiving guidance & coaching from Nora. Third, monthly private coaching enabled me to go even deeper in specific areas I needed support in. Nora is an excellent listener, with a unique ability to get to the heart of a question or challenge. This intuition led strategy enables a clear path for transformation. Her big heart, empathy & humor are cherries on the Big Vision cake! 

Becca Viola, Mindset & Manifestation Coach

Being in the big vision mastermind with Nora has been incredible. At first I felt like I was in over my head..Nora had literally everything I needed to make the jump and skyrocket my business but I was frozen in fear. There was a LOT of mindset work and confidence building that needed to happen for me first and I couldn’t have been in a better group to do just that. The support I got from Nora and the other women in the mastermind was so incredibly powerful and inspiring. Plus being able to watch the other entrepreneurs put the marketing practices into action was so good for me to really understand how it all worked. After a year of being completely MIA in my business, I followed Nora’s blueprint and in my very first offering (a group coaching program) I had 7 purchases!! I highly recommend joining BVM! 

Nicole Fischer, Holistic Health Coach

I started in BVM right when I first started my business. I had just realized my passion for health + wellness coaching and was so excited to get started, but I had no idea how to actually set up and run a business. I knew what I wanted and what successes I was after, but didn't know how to get there. Enter...BVM (+ Nora with it!). BVM is the perfect combo of strategy/systems and spirituality/mindset. The trainings, group calls, 1:1 calls, voxer support, etc. are all SO valuable in not only learning what you need to do to grow your business, but also HOW to do it to see results. It's forced me to do the inner work so that I can overcome my fears and start thriving through action. I have made several quantum leaps since joining BVM and I know this is only the beginning. I've never been more excited to keep learning and growing. I truly feel limitless in what I can do with my business (and my life in general) and that's all thanks to Nora! 

Jonnemarie Kahwaty, Spiritual Life Coach & Intuitive Guide

Before I started working with Nora, I didn't fully understand the strategies I was trying to implement and I was coming up against a lot of energetic blocks as well. Just two months in, I now have an established niche and offer that I feel confident and passionate about promoting and offering. Before joining Big Vision, I had booked 8 calls total over four months. Last month, I booked four calls within three weeks. Not to mention, It takes me way less time to create content and I sell on my stories daily and it feels natural and easy! If you’re on the fence of joining, follow your intuition. Ask yourself: if I knew for a fact that I was going to be successful, would I make this investment? Investing in Big Vision was without a doubt the best decision I have made for my business, and honestly probably the best decision I've made all year, period. 

BVM is different than other masterminds.

It blends the SPIRITUAL & the STRATEGY.

I spent years working with more than one coach at the same time: one for strategy and one for energetics.

I thought, "why is no one teaching both well?"

So, I became her. will refine & master the strategy. But what I’m most proud of is this:

You will focus on who you’re becoming in the process of building a business, first and foremost. 

 When you grow, your business grows. 

When you stay the same, your results stay the same. 

The tools I teach, including identity work, subconscious mind reprogramming, breathwork, and manifestation, are what allows you to become the version of you that already has the thriving, lucrative business, so you can pull that timeline into the now at an accelerated pace. 

The inner shifts create the outer shifts. The glow up comes before the blow up. 

We’re not JUST focused on business in BVM, we’re focused on creating an entire life that looks exactly as we imagined - lots of adventure & play time, a fat bank account, healthy relationships, a radiant inner world, and connection to God/the Universe/Source. 

You get to have it all.


Hi! I’m Nora Virginia - an Intuitive Business Coach, Podcast Host, and Meditation & Breathwork Facilitator. 

After climbing the ladder for nearly a decade in corporate America, a few spiritual awakenings, and too many ugly cries in the office bathroom, I did what we’ve all imagined doing at one point - I left my cushy, high-paying finance career behind to start a spiritual coaching business because honestly, I was sick of settling for so long & it was time for me to fully start living in alignment with what I came here to do. 

Fast forward, and I was able to build a six-figure online business in less than 2 years. I am obsessed with helping entrepreneurs (like you!) build six-figure online businesses organically (without paid ads or going viral) through blending spirituality with simple business strategies. My fav thing in life is helping my clients achieve their business goals through empowering them to boldly stand in their own authentic expression and believe in themselves with passionate intensity all the way through.

Let’s go build your big vision, shall we?

How do I know this will work for YOU?

I don’t. That’s why we’re application-based over here, hehe! 

BUT I can tell you, if you apply & we mutually decide it’s a fit for you, you will have access to everything you need to scale to six-figures & beyond at your fingertips.  

You'll receive:

đŸ‘‰đŸ» Six months of my direct support & my eyes on your business (w/ option to extend for another six months)

đŸ‘‰đŸ» Three group coaching calls per month 

đŸ‘‰đŸ» Access to existing, exclusive business strategy trainings (including six-figure selling, content that converts, and systems for scaling) with new live trainings to come based the unique needs of YOUR cohort

đŸ‘‰đŸ» Quarterly 1:1 sessions 

đŸ‘‰đŸ» Private community for questions and support between calls

đŸ‘‰đŸ» Unlimited content reviews, delivered within 24-48 hours (landing pages, launch plans, social content, email marketing, etc.) 

đŸ‘‰đŸ» BONUS Access to my entire product suite, including all courses & memberships (including Elite, Full Throttle, and Elevate)

Still undecided?

Hear from my past BVM client, Natalie! She booked out her business with 5 figure contracts in less than 1 year!


50% Complete

Two Step

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