
July 26th at 6pm ET (lifetime access to the recording available, if you’re unable to join live)

When I look back at all of the biggest leaps I’ve made in both life & biz - I’ve been able to trace them all back to one single thing: a moment of frustration that finally pushed me to make a change.

  • It was the moment I realized I was the one choosing to discount my pricing every time someone new applied to work with me, even though I wanted to receive more. 
  • It was the moment I realized I was the one keeping relationships in my life that made me feel like shit, even though I so badly wanted soul-aligned relationships that pushed me to dream even bigger.
  • It was the moment I realized that I was the one that put myself into constant burn out, even though my top priorities were freedom, flexibility & fun (while being wildly successful). 

It was the moment I realized that I was manifesting & inviting in the things I wanted, but meanwhile I was operating at a totally different frequency that wasn’t even close to being an energetic match for my desires. 

**ENTER** the body of work & practices that I’m teaching you in this upcoming masterclass, Frequencies.

If you’re someone that’s taking all the action, showing up consistently, and something is still not clicking…it’s probably this. 

Think of this masterclass as a portal of expansion: You may enter feeling frustrated, tired of trying, and stuck…but you’ll most definitely leave feeling like the bold, grateful, & confident version of you that’s a perfect match for the reality you’re ready to be in.

Because here’s the secret: you don’t have to wait any longer or for anything outside of you to be who you want to be & feel how you want to feel.

What's included: 

  • Guided Breathwork & Visualization Journey 
  • Identity Rewiring, Manifestation Techniques & Confidence Up-Levels
  • Lifetime access to recording

$67.00 USD